Saturday, 20 October 2018


The lights led me around, 
I started my merry-go-round. 

The clown gave a balloon, 
He thought I was a loon. 

The fairy sold me cake, 
My bite was just a fake. 

The goblin wanted a spouse,
He gifted me a blouse. 

There was no merry-go-round,
Yet, being a loon, 
Too late to realise the fake
Transparent blouse. 

Tuesday, 14 August 2018


I want a cup of coffee,
Without cream but milk,
I want a glass of coffee,
Without sugar but honey,
I want a pot of coffee,
To cough you free. 

Sunday, 27 May 2018

DIE, ay!

Dice free from division,
Ice breaks through frozen,
Eyes learn through vision,

Aye starts from variation!